i heart art: i thought you hated abstract?

Anyone who knows me knows I’ve said on many occasions how much I hate abstract. Also said the same for portraiture  Think a better way to word it is that I actually hated the portraiture and abstract work I see other people though, but not that actual form of art. I only say this because now that I’ve dabbled a bit in both, I found a way to work with the subjects in a way that I enjoy.

My abstract work has been coming around really well, though if its a conhesive, unified project remains to be seen. You can see a bit of I have done related to my new series on it below and more in this set on my Flickr.

My portraiture has been linked directed to my work in Baltimore. I’ve been meeting more and more people on the streets, and now finally understand my work and its documentary tone to it, I’m getting to know these people and photograph them. It’s really a huge step for me to interact with people like this, but extremely exciting as well. Spring Break is going to be a hoot with going around and shooting in Baltimore for an entire week, I’m now more pumped than ever to get down there! Here are a few newer ones I scanned today below, and a link to the Flickr containing the latest here.

So right now I’m happy. My art is picking up momentum  and while I recent found out my funds are a lot tighter than expect, which is locking out some of my artistic options, at least I know what I want to shoot photographically! I can worry about presentation later.